Navgrah Shanti Puja

Book your date for Puja Call on: +91 8080264575 Sandeep Guruji Trimbakeshwar

Sandeep Guruji residing in holy place Trimbakeshwar and performing ritual since ancient times. They are renowned Guruji in Trimbakeshwar. People from across the globe have been coming to Guruji Family at Trimbakeshwar for performing all sorts of vidhis. This is the result of their devoted service in practicing the hindu rites at Trimbakeshwar.

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Navgrah Shanti

Book Pandit for Puja at Trimbakeshwar: +91 8080264575

The term Navagraha denotes the nine celestial bodies which are central to astrological calculations (and beliefs) (and not the nine planets as it is frequently erroneously translated). The sun, the moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn and the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu constitute the Navagrahas.

The nine “grahas” or planets in our horoscope control our karma, our desires and their outcomes. Each of these nine planets exerts an influence in our lives, which is called “dasa” and it can be known from one’s horoscope. Navagraha Puja is undertaken to reduce the negative effects and improve the positive energies related to a person.

Many a times we hear people say our time is running bad. These bad times are attributed to the different Grahas (Planets), and their position in the current time. These Grahas can be appeased by performing the Grah shanti Puja.There are 2 ways to perform this Puja. If you know which Graha is affecting you unfavorably, then tell us the name and we can perform the Puja for you. The other way is for us to find out from your Janma Patri and then perform the Puja for the particular Graha. specifically 7 1/2 years Saturn period. Generally all purpose Navagraha homam For all Doshas from Horoscope,specifically 7 1/2 years Saturn period. Generally all purpose. (For particular Jathaham, particular Gnahas more japas) Is done to obtain navagrahas anugraha, even if they were placed in disadvantagious By doing this homa, navagraha doshas are removed and good results will accrue.

Navagraha-pooja The nine planets have special kshetras ( place of worship ) in South India. Most of them are concentrated near the Thanjavur district. Navagraha pooja will be helpful, when the concerned planet dasa or sub-dasa is in operation or if the planet is associated with malefics or is in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house.

॥ नवग्रह स्तोत्र ॥

अथ नवग्रह स्तोत्र। श्री गणेशाय नमः। जपाकुसुम संकाशं काश्यपेयं महदद्युतिम्।
तमोरिंसर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोSस्मि दिवाकरम्॥१॥
दधिशंखतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णव संभवम्।
नमामि शशिनं सोमं शंभोर्मुकुट भूषणम्॥२॥
धरणीगर्भ संभूतं विद्युत्कांति समप्रभम्।
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं तं मंगलं प्रणाम्यहम्॥३॥
प्रियंगुकलिकाश्यामं रुपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम्।
सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥४॥
देवानांच ऋषीनांच गुरुं कांचन सन्निभम्।
बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बृहस्पतिम्॥५॥
हिमकुंद मृणालाभं दैत्यानां परमं गुरुम्।
सर्वशास्त्र प्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥६॥
नीलांजन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम्।
छायामार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम्॥७॥
अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चंद्रादित्य विमर्दनम्।
सिंहिकागर्भसंभूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥८॥
पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रह मस्तकम्।
रौद्रंरौद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥९॥
इति श्रीव्यासमुखोग्दीतम् यः पठेत् सुसमाहितः।
दिवा वा यदि वा रात्रौ विघ्न शांतिर्भविष्यति॥१०॥
नरनारी नृपाणांच भवेत् दुःस्वप्ननाशनम्।
ऐश्वर्यमतुलं तेषां आरोग्यं पुष्टिवर्धनम्॥११॥
ग्रहनक्षत्रजाः पीडास्तस्कराग्निसमुभ्दवाः।
ता सर्वाःप्रशमं यान्ति व्यासोब्रुते न संशयः॥१२॥
॥इति श्री वेदव्यास विरचितम् आदित्यादी नवग्रह स्तोत्रं संपूर्णं॥

Book your date for Puja Call on: +91 8080264575 Sandeep Guruji

Sandeep Guruji Expert in Kalsarp Puja at Trimbakeshwar. Sandeep Guruji residing in holy place Trimbakeshwar and performing ritual since ancient times. They are renowned Guruji in Trimbakeshwar.

Phone and Email

+91 8080264575

Appointment Timing

Monday - Sunday
07.30 AM - 11.30 PM

Trimbakeswar Address

Shree Ram Janki Ashram, Gudwe wadi road, Trimbakeshwar, Nashik, Maharashtra 422212

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